July 21–September 30, 2018

10,000 Miles along the Yangzi River

Embark on a transcontinental journey in imperial China

This immersive installation takes visitors on a journey along the longest river in Asia through a masterpiece of Chinese painting. A favored court artist of the Kangxi Emperor, Wang Hui created 10,000 Miles along the Yangzi River—also known as Ten Thousand Li up the Yangtze River—over seven months following his release from imperial service. Wang Hui luxuriated in his newfound freedom, painting the 53-foot-long handscroll with virtuoso brushwork. Presented in the gallery with soundscapes of life on the river, the monumental piece depicts the length of the Yangzi (Yangtze) River and incorporates references to China’s great artistic and poetic traditions.

Over the centuries, 10,000 Miles along the Yangzi River has been passed down through generations of passionate connoisseurs. It was acquired by the high-ranking imperial official Weng Tonghe in the 19th century and today remains in the collection of his great-great-grandson Wan-go H. C. Weng. Weng Tonghe inscribed the work with a colophon—traditionally written by Chinese collectors to express their appreciation for a painting—and, in honor of his 100th birthday, Wan-go H. C. Weng has recently composed his own. Explore the sophisticated brushwork, rich landscape imagery, and literary references of 10,000 Miles along the Yangzi River; discover the history of the painting; and capture your experience of viewing the work by writing a colophon in the gallery.

  • Asian Paintings Gallery (Gallery 178)

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Presented with support from The June N. and John C. Robinson Fund for Chinese Paintings in Honor of Marjorie C. Nordblom, the Joel Alvord and Lisa Schmid Alvord Fund, and the Rodger and Dawn Nordblom Fund for Chinese Paintings in Honor of Marjorie C. Nordblom.